质量政策声明 TECNI Ltd(以下简称“组织”)旨在按时、在预算范围内向客户提供无缺陷产品。组织采用已获得 BS EN ISO 9001: 2015 认证的质量管理体系,包括提供钢丝绳产品和起重设备供应、服务和检验(TECNI Ltd)的具体方面。
TECNI Ltd 是一家通过 BS EN ISO 9001:2015 认证的公司, 注册公司编号为 LRQ 4007492。
我们引以为豪的是,我们的产品经久耐用,设计用于长期使用。我们只使用通过 ISO:9001 认证的供应商和具有其他公认质量体系的供应商。

TECNI Ltd 使用先进的批次和序列号跟踪系统来确保所有货物都可以追溯到源头。
如果所供应的物品符合相关标准或规定,TECNI Ltd 有能力出具认证。这包括但不限于 EC 符合性声明、公司注册证书、符合性证书、安全工作说明、测试证书、材料分析报告(金属)。
- 建立并完善质量管理体系
- 持续提高质量管理体系的有效性
- 提高并确保完全的客户满意度。
Modern Slavery Act
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 places obligations on businesses with a turnover of £36 million or over to ensure that their business, and the supply chains used by the business, meet the requirements of the act. Although TECNI Ltd is exempt, we fully understand and agree with the act and endeavour to ensure that our business and supply chain are reputable and would never knowingly trade with any company we thought may be involved in slavery or Human Trafficking of any description.
Environmental Management
Click here for information about our environmental management systems, including our environmental policy and our ISO 14001:2015 certificate.